Monday 5 January 2015

How Lung diseases infected our body

Lung diseases are very common problem in the world. If you are feeling shortness of breath and unable to pass the proper oxygen in your body, it is first sigh of lung disease. According to the research in U.S near about 10 million people are suffering from Lung diseases because of smoking, infections and drinking alcohol.

There are many types of lung problems like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis etc. Lung problems can also lead to some other series diseases like heart disease, diabetes, blood circulation problems etc.
Symptoms of Lung problems
  • Long time cough in chest
  • Swelling in chest
  • Feeling difficulty in breathing
  • Cough with blood
  • Wheezing
  • Weakness in body.
Causes of Lung problems
  • People drink too much alcohol they have many chances of developing lung cancer.
  • Any virus and infection like cold, flu can lead to lung problems.
  • Tobacco products are also very harmful for lung. Lung cancer and asthma is common lung disease which is occurring because of tobacco products.
  • Environment factor, Dirty place, dust places are another reason of lung problems.
  • Your diet, oily foods, junk foods and spicy foods are harmful for our lungs. They can produce many types of lung disease.

Natural remedies to treat lung diseases
  1. Quit to Smoking: Smoking is the biggest reason of lung cancer. In a research of America Thoracic Society, near about 90% people are suffering from lung diseases because of smoking and tobacco products. So you want to spent a happy life without any disease, Quit to smoking.
  2. Yoga and Exercise: Yoga and exercise are great source to treat lung diseases. In a research it is prove that people who follow the Yoga and exercise regularly they reduced 90% chances of developing lung cancer. Yoga and exercise helps to pass the oxygen in our whole body and keeps our mind and heart healthy.

  1. Eat a healthy Diet: Healthy diet is very important in lung diseases. When you take proper diet it helps to improve the strength of lungs and keeps them active. Healthy diet helps to control the weight. When we eat a diet which is less in calories then our body very easily burns the calories.
  2. Control on Stress and depression: Stress and depression can produce the symptoms of lung disease like shortness of breath. So it is very important that you manage the level of your stress and depression.

  1. Ginger: Ginger is effective remedy to treat lung problems. Ginger has anti-inflammation properties, which helps to reduce the infections and cough in chest which can cause lung cancer. You can use it in your meal, tea and you can also eat raw ginger. But the combination of honey and ginger is very effective to treat lung problems.
Lung problems are very series diseases and many people in young age suffering from lung problems because of smoking, alcohol and unhealthy lifestyle. If you want to prevent from lung problems then quit to smoking and alcohol and follow a healthy diet.

1 comment:

  1. How i survived lungs cancer.
    I was diagnosed of lung cancer in 2011 and the doctor (oncologist), because i was a chronic smoker who started smoking from 16 and told me i had just two years to live that my lungs had been damaged, that even on the best medication i still had two years. I needed help because i was scared to die and i did chemotherapy, radiotherapy and it was unable to treat or help me. I coughed nearly every minute. In my death clock counting just 6 months remaining, if you knew me then i was good as dead because the cancer had eaten me up. My wife was fortunate enough to contact doctor Amber, a herbal doctor who came and treated me in our house using his medicine and that is how i was saved (where western medicine and methods failed), that was the greatest decision my wife had taken aside marrying me. Today i am totally fine without any symptoms of cancer, it was all confirmed by my oncologist that i am clean. Do not die in silence or rely only on western medicine herbal medicine is very effective. If you have any related form of cancer simply contact the doctor directly on ( for more information about his treatment.


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