Tuesday 3 February 2015

Home remedies for indigestion in the old age

Indigestion is a persistent and repeated happening among the people. Bloating, burping and gas can be really discomforting and generally shows whatever you ate before does not suit you at all. However, there are various kinds of home remedies for indigestion, which are available in your home. And, if unluckily, you don’t find any kind of remedy inside your home, you can go to the grocery store. A visit to the market can help you to purchase things that are useful for indigestion. A wide range of home remedies are well recognized effective, safe and affordable. But, in case, you are at the advanced age of level, we advise you to take the medical advice if syndromes of indigestion are in progress.

  • Baking soda - Baking soda is also known by the other name of sodium bicarbonate. It is considered as one of the best and most commonly used home remedies and can be applied very quickly. Baking soda is very helpful in treating acid indigestion. And, if you are suffering from the problem of acid indigestion, just take 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate, mix it in water and then, drink it. This way, baking soda will help you to neutralize acid and comfort you from bloating.

  • Herbal tea - After a heavy dose of meal, you can drink herbal tea to digest the food you have eaten at a great level. It should be immersed in a hot cup of water and mask appropriately for nearly 4 5 minutes. You should drink herbal tea, when it is warm. However, you can give a try to any kind of herbal tea such as mint, green tea, ginger root, cranberry or chamomile


  • Ginger - If you have an intestinal issue, you can opt for this home remedy. It helps you to relieve from bloating, indigestion and nausea. In fact, this home remedy also helps people to get rid of motion sickness. If you feel like you have eaten a lot, and indigestion is on the way, you can consume a small piece of ginger. It also can be taken with the help of tea.

  • Pineapple - This fruits helps you to get relieve from indigestion. Pineapple contains bromelaine that helps in the digestion of the food we eat. You can inhale a piece of pineapple or can drink the juice of pineapple to get free from the syndromes of indigestion.

Advice for the aged people -


Indigestion is a sign of below mentioned conditions. For example - the problem of indigestion can mean you are suffering from the problem of GERD (gastero esophageal reflux disease). You could also suffer from IBS, ulcers, stomach infections, gallbladder disease and much more. Although, the above listed remedies for indigestion can help you to get free from the occasional problem of indigestion, but they may not give you permanent relief. So, if the problem of indigestion becomes regular and worse, you should seek the advice of a doctor. If you don’t take the advice from doctor, the indigestion may leads to a serious problem.

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