Wednesday 21 January 2015

Natural Diabetes Treatment can improve the health of a diabetic person!

Before we talk about the natural diabetes treatment of the disease that can really improve the health of a diabetic person; let’s get to know about diabetes first.
What is Diabetes?
The diabetes is basically a disease that happens when the amount of the glucose increase from its normal level in our body, and hence causes the insufficiency of insulin. It is also known as ‘Hyperglycemia’. From the term ‘glycemic’, we means, when the sugar circulate in our body from the range of 70 mg/dl to 110 mg/dl. A small increase in the level of glucose from this normal range i.e.; above 120 mg/dl, gives us an indication of diabetic symptom.

Types of Diabetes
There are two type of this disease. One is Type I diabetes, known as insulin dependent diabetes and other is Type II diabetes, known as non insulin dependent diabetes. Type I diabetes occurs to those people who are very young in age and to those who carries the symptoms of weight loss, excessive thirst and fatigue. The Type I diabetes is also known by the other name of Ketoacidosis, the disease that occurs when the insulin is not present in our body and our body starts to use fatty acids to gain energy and ends up by developing harmful products in our body.

The Type II diabetes generally, found in the body of those people who are 40 plus, and especially in those people, who are suffering the problem of overweight. This type of diabetes develops at a slow rate.
Nutrition for Diabetes
The regular diet of the diabetic person must be restricted to the low glycemic index and people need to intake food full of whole grains. They should avoid taking rice in their diet food. For a diabetic person, fibres are consider quite good, as they are reduces the weight of the people and helps to live a healthy life. You can also include oats, wheat, legumes, barley and healthy vegetables in your daily diet as well.

You should avoid taking foods that contain the high value of fat such as eggs, milk, butter and fat meat. A good advice is, a diabetic person should decrease the intake the salt, protein, candy and must increase the intake of leeks, onions, vegetables, seeds, black pepper, garlic, scallions, potatoes, lemon, lavender, ginger, sprouts, lotus seeds and much more. Rosemary is considered quite useful to control the level of glucose in blood.
Natural Treatment for Diabetes
The herbal remedies are useful for only those people who are suffering from the problem of Type II diabetes, as Type I diabetes needs insulin replacement therapy. In addition to regular exercise and inhaling low sugar diet, it’s quite beneficial to use Vaccinium myrtillus, Eucallyptus globosusMorus, and Juniperus Communis for soothing capabilities.

Essential Oils -
The oil of Eucalypptus is considered quite important in the natural diabetes treatment, as it is prepared with the help of stream distillation and carries the essence of nearly 50 kg leaves. Apart from this oil, another oil of geranium is also advisable in this treatment.
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1 comment:

  1. My grandfather is a diabetic patient. Since he aged, he faced lot of complications due to that. So we had decided to get diabetes treatment.


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