Are you suffering from Arthritis? Don’t worry! There is a cure for it. Natural arthritis remedies
is a kind of inflammation of one and more joints. It is the common
condition that causes pain and affects the people of all ages, even
children also.
Before going directly to the remedies of arthritis, let us discuss about symptoms, causes and types of this diseases.
Symptoms & Signs Of Arthritis
• pain in the joints
• poor sleep
• weight loss
• redness
• inflammation in joints
• weakness
• tenderness and stiffness
• intermittent fevers
• poor sleep
• weight loss
• redness
• inflammation in joints
• weakness
• tenderness and stiffness
• intermittent fevers
Causes Of Arthritis
Genetic Side
Arthritis may run in family when genes are passed from parents to their children that can make you develop this disease.
Heavy weight will make your joints to bear more pressure. So take a balanced diet and do exercise.
type of infection will cause in developing the arthritis. Infection can
be regarded as the illness that is caused by different types of germs.
It is one of the factor that causes arthritis. Smoking and having diabetes enhances this problem.
It’s a common factor. Arthritis increases with the age.
Types Of Arthritis Osteoarthritis
type of arthritis damages the joint cartilage. It can occur in any
joint, especially in hand, knee, spine. In this, the person gets pain in
joint when he makes any movement. It can develop in any age if there is
an injury, but it is found that people who are above 50 years of age,
suffers from this type of arthritis problem. Difficulty in sitting,
bending, gripping objects; and swelling of joints are its symptoms.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
type of arthritis is less common but more sever. It is an autoimmune
disease in which pain and swelling occurs when body’s immune system
attacks the affected joints. It results in breakdown of the bone as well
as cartilage. It is the long lasting disease. Stiffness, fatigue, pain,
loss of appetite are its symptoms.
Best Natural Remedies For Arthritis
Best Natural Remedies For Arthritis
Weight Loss
It is one of the best remedy. Maintain the weight that you can bear easily.
Walking, swimming, biking, yoga are different types of exercise. Choose any one that you like.
Acupuncture relives the pain that is caused due to arthritis. It is a good practice.
Hot and cold Therapy
Hot and cold Therapy
warm bath, especially in morning will reduce your body stiffness. Cold
therapy is also very effective. Wrap the ice pack in the towel and apply
it to your joints, i’m sure that you will get instant relief.
Useful Tips To Cure Arthritis
Useful Tips To Cure Arthritis
• Avoid food containing more fat
• Stop smoking, it increases arthritis
• Maintain your weight
• Stress management
• Eat nuts, fruits
• Switch to vegan diet if possible
were the remedies to cure arthritis naturally. It can be cured if you
keep in mind the above steps. Be strong, fight for your body and win the
race. Remember that your ultimate goal is to get relief from the
arthritis pain.
Home Remedies World Provides the Best natural remedies for joint pain.
Home Remedies World Provides the Best natural remedies for joint pain.